Once in a while I have an experience that completely changes my outlook on life. An instance of orchestrated ah-ha moments that together, change the way I conduct my day-to-day. A moment that allows me to shed old habits and move forward with a new and improved state of mind.
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to participate in the Atlantic Antic, arguably NYC’s largest and most festive street fair. I don’t think there’s ever been a time in my life where I’ve talked with so many people about the work I produce. Young and old, rich and poor, near and far. This small stretch of 10 blocks on Atlantic Avenue felt like I had a table along a path of converging cultures – and it was amazing.
My takeaway is that I’m too timid. Too scared to talk freely boldly about the things that matter most. Too afraid that my shoddy articulation of these things will add to false narratives in the minds of my listeners. But I learned something that day. I learned that if I made an effort to speak instead of staying silent – outcomes exceed expectations. For a shy guy like me this is like living in the dream where you show up to a huge event without clothes – but instead of being embarrassed, I was emboldened. Why? I tried. Just the simple act of trying gave me beautiful, encouraging, instructive comments and conversations that have altered my outlook forever. Really.
So the next time you’re in a moment of fear, don’t flinch. It could turn out to be the greatest thing of all.
Thanks so much for those of you who came out. I’m grateful for my friends.
A special thanks to the ultimate Brooklyn kids boutique Junior Lowe, and the fantabulously chic menswear outfitter Goose Barnacle for tolerating my tiny little table.
Cheers everyone,
Donna LaGasse Hartog
October 19, 2013 at 2:21 am //
congratulations Monte for taking that giant step and growing and learning as you did.. We are so proud of you and your beautiful work. You are certainly a talented man, so continue forth with nothing but confidence.. !!
November 2, 2015 at 5:28 pm //
Thanks Donna – Your words are too kind. I feel like I’m just beginning with so much to learn and explore. Thanks so much for saying hello!